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Organizing is Repurposing

Let NJ Organizing Expert Marilyn Shain Labendz solve your difficult organizing problems

What do we do when you have a small, finite space to accommodate a large number of items, (even after purging) plus add some other things into that closet?


We Rethink. Repurpose. Reuse.

One of my most recent clients only had one closet for her many purses, which she uses all the time. (She is an amazingly accomplished businesswoman who travels for work has 2 teenaged daughters with busy schedules of their own.

This means that she works on a tight schedule and needs to be able to get to the most often used items in this one closet, We also had to add a printer into the closet as well as wrapping paper and gift bags for the inevitable, "Oh, my gosh! I need a gift for so and so, and I need it today!"

Our organizing, reusing and repurposing project took just 2 hours! We:

  • Removed every item inside, grouping like items together, tossing out what was no longer needed.

  • Put gift bags of similar sizes into one larger one.

  • Put the fabric bags for the hot lunches that she sends with her daughters daily. (Yes! Amazing!)

  • Removed one shelf (believe it or not) to accommodate her purses.

  • Placed the printer and supplies on the lower shelf and ran a short wire through the wall into to connect with her stand up desk right next to the closet.

The best part was that we didn't put her purses on a shelf...we hung them with the extra shower curtain rings we found while organizing and systematizing her linen closet!

NJ Organizational Expert Marilyn Shain Labendz organizes a big mess
NJ Organizer uses shower curtain rings to hang purses

What a pleasure to have 3 hanging rows of purses, color coordinated, sliding front to back.

Contact me now for more ways to rethink, reuse, repurpose items in your home to make everything organized and accessible!

A friendly suggestion: Don't know what to give a friend or relative when a gift is in order? Gift Certificates are available upon request!

NJ Expert Organizer Offers Gift Certificates

And, please don't forget to share our blog with your friends on Facebook and other social media.

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